Boston New Technology (March of 2018)

<p>Animation activating on installation.</p>

Animation activating on installation.

Portable installation that followed the Boston New Technology meetup group for six months.

Our first commercial installation, this project was unique in that it had to be portable to be able to travel from meetup location to meetup location. The software was updated per event to map to common hashtags used by presenting companies, as well as animate in patterns representative of attending companies or sponsors. Each event also had a specific hashtag (#BNT89, #BNT90 etc.) that was also included in the animation table. We had to integrate a portable modem to be able to maintain a connection to 4G internet as meetup locations wifi wasn't always reliable. The the illuminated element on the sign was a recreation of the BNT logo. We also created a smaller prompting sign to indicate to attendees how to interact with the piece.

See more photos on the installations page.

Further Reading:
